Koontz Electric Company, Inc. celebrated a significant safety milestone this year – three years without an OSHA recordable or lost-time accident.
The achievement was marked with the Accumulative Years Safety Award, issued by the Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing and Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission.
The award is designed for small business that work years without a lost day from work due to an accident.
The company, based in Morrilton, Arkansas, and its employees have logged 1,163,154 hours of safe work.
"We are proud to hold safety as a core value, and our employees' dedication and commitment produces these results," said Kimberly Moore, the Director of Marketing & Corporate Communications at Koontz Electric Company, Inc. "We believe 'zero is achievable,' and our power is in our people."
Koontz Electric Company has been a TEGG contractor since 2005.